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Top Web Design Trends For 2017

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We all know that web design is a very dynamic art and, as with any art form, it changes and morphs into different styles looking to conquer visitors hearts. Below is where we see web design will be heading in 2017 and certainly the way we will love it to go. Check out what we believe will be the top trends for web design in 2017 and feel free leave your feedback.

Better Lazy Loading

Lazy load has been used for some time already, and it is proven to make websites load faster, but still, there is a lot more to do to make it even better.

With lazy load technology implemented on your site images will only load when they appear on your visitor screen. This can be a bit problematic for some users who do not scroll down to the bottom of the website. Visitors will have to wait for a few seconds before the images are completely loaded.

The implementation in 2017 of this features will allow the websites to load images right before they come into the viewport to make it seamless to the user experience.

More Parallax with Custom Graphics

Parallax has become a big player in web design, and for good reason. It allows for new, fresher effects while they give more value to small websites and, of course, they call the visitors attention with every scroll. That said, parallax also has a lot of flaws and issues that can make it difficult to work as it should, and exactly this is something that will change in 2017.

Custom graphics. We all love then and with today's retina displays, high-resolution screens and faster Internet connections users can enjoy an even better experience online. Today graphics makes 50% or more of the web, and it will be even better in 2017. More custom graphics full of vivid colors and great photos are sure to improve the way the Internet looks and the overall user experience.

Flat Designs

In the past design was focused on showing off skills and complicated design by filling sites with flashy illustrations and crazy animations. Flat design is the total opposite of that, flat designs focus on simplicity by pointing the entire design to the user experience.

Flat Design in 2017 will be adopted by more and more designers and will continue with its minimalistic abstraction. Google, Facebook and other giants of the Internet integrate and promote this concepts and iPhone and Android use it for everyday tasks. This will be a significant change on 2017 and it will be the big thing related to design within this coming year.

Better understanding and adoption of Mobile First

More and more people around the entire world have more access and use mobiles devices, and this trend is not changing in 2017.

Here a few interesting stats:

  • There are more than 1.2 billion mobile users worldwide
  • In the U.S. 25% of mobile users are mobile-only users
  • There are more than 10.9 billion of apps downloaded
  • Sales of Mobile device sales had increased across the world with over 85% of new devices being able to access the web

That means that eventually the whole focus will be transferred from desktop to Mobile and websites will be designed and developed with the primary focus on mobiles and not so much in desktop devices. In 2017 websites will be more stoning and beautifully than ever and will for sure conquer more fans on mobile devices than in any other way.

Widespread utilization of prototyping tools

More and more the web is focusing on the user experience and prototyping tools had a lot to do with it. Prototyping will become the standard way designers will display their ideas and (although it is very time-consuming and cost-intensive) it will become the most natural way to approach the design phase of a project.

There are many prototyping tools available today, and that tells us how useful and flexible they have become. In 2017 the usage of this tools will become even more widespread, and designers will move more and more into the usage of this great tools.

Better and more Animations

Everyone appreciate a good animation, and they have been, for a long time, a tool to attract and acquire visitors attentions on the web. Fortunately after the introduction of HMTL5 and it's canvas animation things have changed a lot. Now they can load without any other software installed on the visitor's computers and it is a safe way to introduce customers to a different experience.

In 2017 Animations are going to be used more and more widely and will become nicer. As designs move more and more towards the flat design patterns, animations will go along with it, and we envision them becoming smoother and better to the visitors while keeping processing faster and faster.

Video as backgrounds

Every day we see videos being used more and more and in 2017 it won't change. Videos will find their way into the new year in different ways but the background has become a very nice way to show off companies and services pages. The age of static images as background in websites is changing, and as the Internet gets faster videos will also load faster allowing a lot of things that were not possible before become reality.

Better Frameworks

We all know about Bootstrap, Foundation, and other frameworks and as browsers update their engines, more and more CSS features will become available making frameworks a tool to be considered in any project. Web Frameworks make things simpler, easier and standardize code making it easier for teams to use it.

In 2017 frameworks will come with support for Flex-box and other CSS properties that really enhance the way how websites will be made and for sure will be another great tool to be standardized on the web design world.


Web design will be alive and well in 2017, and it will still be like that for a long time. As an ever-morphing art, it will become better, faster and stronger as the year goes by making all of the Internet a better, more useful place for the good of all us. Focus on mobile devices as never before and you will get into this new phase as strong as ever.

Hope this help and let us know your opinion below, we are always looking for ways to improve and a good chat is always a welcome thing!

Top 4 Web Design Trends

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